Monday, January 30, 2006

Good, Bad, & Ugly

Sorry for the cliched title, but it really was an up-and-down weekend.

The Good - I have a new job! I talked to Sibley on Saturday night and decided to go for it. I talked to my contracting company and my supervisor here and determined that my last day at Wally World will be this Friday, February 3rd. I'm incredibly excited.

So... what exactly am I going to be doing for Sibley? I'm not entirely sure yet. About half of my time will be spent doing things for The Electric Sheep Company. I'll be learning a lot about how to set up a company and will help out with a nice wide variety of tasks associated with that. I'll be exposed to and learning about a bunch of new things, from investments to health care plans to graphic design. I'll have an hourly contract for 40 hours per week. I'll be able to telecommute. I'll be able to play pickup downtown over lunch! I'll be able to stay out late and not have to wake up at 5am. I'm so excited for the new things I'll be exposed to and for the cool people I'll be working with.

Semi-related... the Electric Sheep Company will be at this very cool event called The Happening on February 18th. Art, music, dancing, poetry, a mixed reality experience (that's where ESC comes in), it's going to be cool.

The Bad - The father of one of my best friends died on Saturday morning. It was unexpected. He was too young.

I'm hoping to go up to Vermont for his funeral on Saturday.

It was a weekend of reconnecting with that circle of friends, of letting people know that I care about them, of appreciating this life.

The Ugly - Scott thinks he'll have to extend his stay in Guatemala for another 5 days. It's disappointing, but not unexpected. Anyone who has hacked into my e-mail account will just have to deal with 5 more days' worth of lovey-dovey correspondance.

1 comment:

RHL said...

Congrats on the new jobs! New jobs rule. And when they are with interesting people.. doing INCREDIBLY interesting things.. all the better :)
Sorry to hear about the yucky stuff.. that's too many Dad's passing away in January.. hopefully the rest of the year will be much better for those who had that happen.
Also sorry about Scott being gone.. I know how crappy it is when I away for work for a bunch of days and don't see Michelle.. so I know how it can be.. but it makes the days together that much better :)