Thursday, December 15, 2005

It's snowing out!

I went running last night for the first time in a few weeks! Rob and Shamik and I signed up for this Christmas Light Run. We started at Union Station and ran about 4 miles through downtown, past a bunch of nice Christmas lights. There were maybe 75 of us, all singing Christmas carols the entire time. Pretty fun. I got home before 9 and was in bed before 10.

Good thing the run was last night instead of tonight, though, and good thing I'm going to Scott's office party instead of pickup tonight. The forecast for the evening looks nasty - 35°F and raining. My bike to work was nice and clean and dry, but it's going to be messy by the time I head home. Maybe a day for the bus, if I can find the patience to wait for it.

On the subject of biking, I've discovered that a handkerchief is a wonderful thing. Right now I'm actually using a cloth napkin - it's a little bulkier than a proper handkerchief, so I really have to stuff it into my pocket, but it does the trick so much better than wads of Kleenex, toilet paper, or paper towels.

On the subject of Scott's office party, I'm so excited! Partly because I haven't seen him in a while, and partly because there's going to be dancing, and partly because he has lots of cool, interesting international coworkers. OK, mostly because I haven't seen him in a while.

On the subject of gray things, last night I dreamt that I bought a copy of Gray's Anatomy. And today's Post has an article about embracing grey. Wonkette made fun of it, but I really like the sentiments expressed. The view out my window is pretty monochromatic right now: white snow and sky, dark trees and sidewalks.
Gray is good.
If we could just learn to live this fundamental truth, think how quickly these long, gray wintry weeks would pass. In the morning, you'd throw open the curtains, cast a connoisseur's eye out on a slate-gray sky with touches of woolen hues over an ashen base, and say to yourself: By God, another beautiful gray day! You wouldn't pine for the cheap poetry of a rosy-fingered dawn. You'd be happy that today, just like yesterday and the day before, the morning began like someone turning up a rheostat from pitch black to a colorless color that smothers light in a peculiar, hard-to-define, can't-quite-put-my-finger-on-it, uniquely today gray way.
Carpe diem.

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