Scott left for Guatemala this morning, which means that the next 7 days are going to be the Longest Week Ever. I'm impatient to see him again, and I'm impatient to go down there! (For the record, he got down there safe and sound and is on his way to the little town of Sanarate tonight.)
His early departure meant I got an early start on the day, which was nice. Spent part of my day on "Serenite Island" in Second Life learning about how to build things - pretty cool. Definitely gives me a much greater appreciation for all the stuff that I've seen built already.
Went to my first spinning class in the evening. I was underwhelmed. I'm a little under the weather and didn't feel like running, or didn't feel like motivating myself to run, so the external motivation was good. But I don't know if I'll go back any time soon. Definitely not as fun as climbing!
After that, I went to the Ash Wednesday service. It was great. Two Bach pieces for soprano, violin, cello and organ. Wonderful. And my pastor is so great. She gives smart sermons, and she has an incredible memory for people. She always remembers my name... and everyone's! During communion, she'll say "Body of Christ, given for you [insert name here]". She also remembers that I play frisbee. She doesn't really know what it is, but tonight on my way out she told me that she saw people playing and was really impressed at how they were jumping horizontally (e.g. laying out).
Not sure what I'm giving up for Lent. Last year or the year before I think I gave up 15 minutes each day for prayer/reflection/meditation. I might try to do that again... definitely takes discipline.
A random correspondance with someone from Craigslist alerted me to the fact that I'll need to ammend this blog to Libby's Hopefully Not-So-Tame Adventures in Guatemala. I won't be able to post much while I'm down there, but look for an exciting background change this week! I like this red/fuscia pattern, but Christmas and Valentine's are over. I'm trying to find something jungley. Anyone know of any good sites for backgrounds? So far I've only used Citrus Moon.
Alright, off to bed. Planning on going to a 6:45 yoga class tomorrow morning!
One of my FAVORITE dishes growing up was Kale and Pinkelwurst. If you like Pinkelwurst i'd be happy to go bug my Oma for the recipe.. other than that, I've had it in boiled stews before as well.
I have no idea what Pinkelwurst is... but it sounds like fun! It sounds like a German fairy.
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