Saturday, August 11, 2007

Santa Cruz

Wednesday was busy. The crazy post office trip, a busy day at work, an Ultimate practice with lots of sprinting, a few hours of beer, pizza and Frisbee players, and finally, packing up for a 2-week trip.

Thursday was terrific. We arrived in San Francisco safe and sound, proceeded to the rental car office only to discover that our super-cheap rental was a black Mustang convertible. Sweet!! We took off down the Pacific Coast Highway, top down obviously. Gorgeous blue ocean with white-capped waves breaking on a rocky coast.

We stopped at a cafĂ© for lunch and spent a few hours doing work (me) and math problems (him) before continuing on to Santa Cruz. We arrived at Sibley and Nina’s in time to help with dinner. Great to see them. Great to be in such a beautiful, peaceful place.

We spent several hours on Friday morning in downtown Santa Cruz working and doing math and the rest of the day back at their house hanging out, exploring the property, climbing 100 feet into a redwood (well, I just watched, but maybe I’ll work up the courage to do it later this weekend…), and making and eating dinner. Nina made challah for Shabbat, and Sibley made a vegan pot pie. Friends who had been to a local winery that day brought wine. All in all, an excellent meal.

Scott and I slept close to 12 hours last night, which felt wonderful. He’s getting over his cold, and I wonder if I was fighting off the same thing, since I almost never sleep that much. Today is sunny and beautiful. The air is crisp and smells like eucalyptus leaves – so much more pleasant than the DC mugginess. Soon we’ll be eating lunch, holding a wedding ceremony (the seventh in a series of seven, held over the course of seven weekends) and then building a treehouse 100 feet up in a redwood.

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