Monday, May 14, 2007

Aging Alumnae

I had a fantastic time in Boston over the weekend. I got to play in a small, Wellesley-hosted tournament on Saturday, with a handful of other alums - some of whom I played with when I was in school, some who came after me. We may have been older and more out of shape than the whipper snappers around us, especially when they had an abundance of subs and we were playing nearly savage, but experience and good throws go a long ways. We beat one of the Wellesley teams and one of the club teams (15-14) and lost in the finals (11-8 or so...). We were mostly happy to be done playing, to move on to pizza and beer and to rest up for Sunday's game.

Sunday was the annual alum versus student game. The students graciously played all 20 of their players equally, giving the first-years just as much playing time as the seniors. The alums won, but they made us work for it! (Which is as it should be.)

All in all, it was wonderful to hang out with my old teammates and remember how great it was to be a Whiptail, and it was wonderful to meet the new team and see the same Whiptail character and spirit carrying through. (For those of you who know the esteemed George Cooke, he has a similar write-up on his blog. Click here.)

I've been out of college for a full four years now, so even though I was never classmates with any of the current students, it's nice to still feel connected through the frisbee team. It's nice that a few people know who I am when I go on campus.

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