Sunday, November 02, 2014

Day of the Dead

There's a big Day of the Dead celebration in the Mission every year, so we're headed there this afternoon to check it out. I've been thinking about Scott a little more than usual, with the anniversary of his death approaching.

Last week we (Sandy, Becky, Clark and I) went to Davis to see the Scott McNiven Community Service Award given to the first recipient. There was a lovely reception and a chance to visit a number of his professors and classmates. They presented us with a finished copy of Scott's dissertation - he'll receive his PhD in December. We also stopped by the library, where a group study room is being remodeled using his memorial donations; it's not finished yet, but it will be beautiful, and hopefully much-used. It felt good to be back and to reconnect, but it was also a very bittersweet closure. I took a short walk alone through the arboretum - a place I visited nearly daily when I lived there, and the place where Scott proposed,

The second year med students just started their unit on cancer, which includes a series of lectures and small groups on death and dying. I'll be speaking to their class this Thursday about my experience as a caregiver. I'm working on a list of things I want to make sure I touch on. It feels good to be able to share his story with another group of students and to be able to bring just a little more meaning to his death.

I just started my internal medicine rotation at the VA, and I'm loving it. I've been eagerly anticipating this block for a while, and so far it's surpassing my expectations. I love thinking through the problems these patients have, and the residents and attendings really prioritize teaching me. I have a lot to learn in terms of disease process, signs and symptoms, and management and treatment, and in terms of organizing data and reporting it to others. But it's great - I'm excited to get to work each morning. The biggest downside is the busy schedule, which cuts into my time with Clark. He's a trooper, and I'm really fortunate to have so many family members coming out over the next two months to take care of him (and me).

He had a great time on Halloween. At school, the theme of the costume parade was "healthy eating," so each class dressed up as a different food. Clark's class went as ears of corn - yellow t-shirts that the kids decorated together, and tassled hats. For trick-or-treating, he was a zebra. (Last year he was a giraffe - he's sticking to an African theme.)

A few photos from the past month:
A weekend in Santa Cruz with our friends Brian & Marion and their kids Cora & Henry.
(October and still warm enough to go to the beach!)

Clark's class field trip to the pumpkin patch
At Fish Restaurant in Sausalito
At Fort Point

 Our Halloween costumes

That's all for now. My brain feels a little worn out from a busy week, and I haven't had a lot of time (as usual) for introspection. But in general, life is good. I'm happy to be where I am.